Georgia Child Support Attorneys

VanLanduyt Law represents Georgia parents in all types of child support disputes. Whether you need to establish child support for the first time or have a past support order that needs to be re-evaluated, we can assist you through the process. Georgia child support guidelines are based on both parents’ total income, but courts have the discretion to deviate from guideline amounts. Therefore, having the counsel of a skilled child support lawyer is critical.

Determining Child Support in Georgia

As Georgia follows a shared income approach for determining child support, the state utilizes a formula to establish an amount that is sufficient to meet the needs of the child. The formula can take into consideration the cost of childcare, health insurance, medical expenses, tuition and several other factors. While on the surface calculation of child support may sound straightforward, it often can be complex –and every case is unique and based upon the particular circumstances of that family. Our lawyers are adept at uncovering all sources of income and determining a fair child support payment that meets your child’s needs.

Child Support Modifications

Child support can be modified when there is a significant change in the financial situation of either parent or a change in the needs of the child. Factors the court considers can include:

  • Loss of a job

  • Receiving a higher paying job (your former spouse can request that child support be recalculated based upon the higher income)

  • Having to accept a job with lower pay

In addition, changes in a child custody plan can necessitate a modification in child support. Either parent can request that payments be recalculated based upon the situation. We can assist you in assessing any new circumstances and help you determine if a modification is an option.

Child Support Contempt

If you are entitled to receive child support and are not being paid as ordered by the court, VanLanduyt Law can help you with enforcement. In addition, if you are being accused of not paying child support, we will help defend you against the allegations. No matter what your child support situation is, you can trust our family law attorneys to provide you thorough representation while always keeping the best interest of your child at the forefront.

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